Soul Winning :
Proclaiming God's Plan of Salvation
The Independent Baptist Mission for Asians is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the local churches and national missionaries to the Asians.
IBMA was started by Dr. Emmanuel Quizon after he planted the Fundamental Independent Baptist Church of Tarlac City in the Philippines. That church was established a result of people who trusted Jesus Christ as their only Savior. They trusted Jesus because they heard the truth of the Gospel. It's message was delivered through the men, women and young people who banded together with Dr. Quizon, knocking on doors, talking to people and engaging them with God's plan of salvation.
From humble beginnings, tens of thousands of souls came to know Christ as more believers and missionaries joined the mission of winning souls. IBMA will aggressively continue to its mission of helping local churches and missionaries win more souls until Jesus comes again.
Training the Nationals:
Preparing servants for the mission field of souls.
The Independent Baptist Mission for Asians is investing in the lives of men and women who have given their lives in full-time missionary work.
Through the establishment of Bible colleges and institutes led cooperatively by missionaries within their regions, formal training and education have been taking place in the last 30 years producing hundreds of missionaries, preachers and teachers. At the same time, informal training is being undertaken at the grassroots level within the ministries of local churches.
We aim to help make disciples of Christ for generations to come as the God by His grace would allow us. We firmly believe that training the nationals is the fastest and most effective way of spreading the Gospel.