Hope to end bullying

#hope2endbullying Ministry
Addie's story by Shaska Hill (Mom)

"Ever since 1st grade Addie has had the same bully. She is now in 4th and things are a lot better. But for 3 years she has been through a roller coaster of emotions and hurt. From not wanting to go to school to calling home saying she was sick, but in reality she was trying to avoid recess so that she could avoid her bully. We spent many days and nights of just tears and heart break, then one day she came to me, about a year ago, wanting to know if i would ask her principal about doing a bullying awareness campaign. I told her i would, but in my heart i felt as if it wouldn't be taken seriously just from our experiences of notifying the school of the different issues Addie's bully was causing her. So her and I discussed that maybe it would be better for her to start her own ministry for bullying awareness through church; and what better way to bring awareness than through Christ and showing others how something so horrible can be turned into something positive. Her goal through this ministry is that maybe one day there will be no such thing as bullying and that no one will have to experience the things she and others have been through."

Addie has #STOPBULLYING bracelets available at the church. Please get one for yourself or share a handful with others. Keep an eye on our calendar - we have bully awareness and stop bullying events coming up! Together we can #hope2endbullying
Contact: Shaska Hill